2010-02-01 07:21:15
Science fiction as modern myth, science as the ritual to actualize the myth.
(科幻小說是現代神話, 科學則是實踐神話的儀式。)
-Reynolds 雷諾茲-
2010-02-02 07:47:23
Dare to pursue the new horizon exactly adventurer.
2010-02-03 06:51:45
Have life not introspecting, worthy to be alive life.
-Socrates 蘇格拉底-
2010-02-04 07:36:07
The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.
2010-02-05 01:26:43
2010-02-06 02:08:38
There are dreams unless first, everything is not all good.
2010-02-07 08:55:51
2010-02-08 00:56:29
-德 湯瑪斯-
2010-02-09 01:05:04
2010-02-10 07:20:45
A tree should grow taller, accept more brightness, then its root must be deeper and darker.
-Nietzsche 尼采-
2010-02-11 09:08:03
2010-02-12 07:41:06
We are too fast old, but so clever as to be too late.
-The maxim of Sweden (瑞典格言)-
2010-02-13 07:39:13
The law is reason, free from passion.
2010-02-14 02:08:22
-亨利 福特-
2010-02-15 01:36:03
2010-02-16 06:53:05
If the greatest talent lies on the meadow all day, let the breeze brush, the eyes look at the sky, will not patronize him either in so gentle inspiration.
(最偉大的天才如果終日躺在草地上,讓微風吹拂,眼望天空,那麼溫柔的 靈感也不會光顧他的。)
-Heiger 黑格爾-
2010-02-17 12:05:39
2010-02-18 00:17:41
Talkers are not good doers.
2010-02-19 08:36:31
The mark of a person's only picture, his actual ability is a molecule, he is a denominator to one's own appraisal. The larger the denominator is, then the smaller the value of the mark is.
-Torstai (托爾斯泰)-
2010-02-20 12:39:28
「人類一切賺錢的職業與生意中都有罪惡的蹤跡。 另一方面,如果不讓心靈成為自己的先知,不讓它經過一個孤獨的檢驗的自我恢復的過程,便讓它接受別的心靈找到的真理,那麼,無論那真理多麼光輝,它也會造成致命的傷害。」
2010-02-21 01:01:00
If what you are doing is not moving you towards your goals, then it's moving you away from your goals. 「如果你現在所做的事並沒有向你的目標前進,那麼你就在遠離你的目標。」
2010-02-22 01:29:54
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.
(我發現幸運是可以預測的.如果你想要更多幸運,就要更主動一點 更冒險一點。)
2010-02-23 09:53:06
It doesn't matter where you're coming from. All that matters is where you are going.
2010-02-24 06:27:04
-諸葛亮 <誡子書> -
2010-02-25 06:22:29
The cloth interweaving like the silk thread of a good and evil in life, our benefaction must accept the spur of our fault, but our crime is of relying us the benefaction is covered up.
-Shakespeare (莎士比亞)-
2010-02-26 06:58:15
La vida está en gran parte compuesta por sueños. Hay que unirlos a la acción.
-Anais Nin-
2010-02-27 06:22:14
2010-02-28 10:33:59